October 6-7, 2017. DanceAfrica marketplace, Annette Strauss Artist Square, Dallas
The DanceAfrica marketplace is a family oriented outdoor event that celebrates the rich and diverse cultural heritage of Africa and the African American experience. Vendors from around the DFW metropolis gathered to transform the Annette Strauss Artist Square into a global market venue offering entertainment, crafts, fashion, artifacts and food trucks.
Trendy Africa and the Dallas International Fashion show hosted the African Fashion Experience II fashion show which featured several designers including; TakaibyAngela, Nick Rose, Didi Stiches, and Afro Inspired. The fashion show was described as the highlight of the marketplace festival.
DanceAfrica 2017 is a tribute to National DanceAfrica Founder Dr. Charles “Baba Chuck” Davis with his favorite mantra “Love, Peace, Respect for Everybody” as the theme. This event was bold, colorful and multi-cultural celebrating African arts and culture with evening performances featuring Bandan Koro African Drum and Dance Ensemble. Other performances featured; DBDT Allegro, DBDT Senior Performing Ensemble, DBDT Junior Performing Ensemble and World Dance Ensemble BTWHSPVA.